Slick Rock & Dinosaur Bones

On top of the Bartlett Wash
Tuesday, March 25th
Too many trails, too many choices and complex to meet the needs of a family with children ages 6 to 17. We choose slick rock and dinosaur bones—a two in one combination. We drive to the Merriman and Monitor trail for what is described as a 2-3 hour ride. The two oldest and I head out on bikes, thru soft sand traps, sticky red clay and finally, slick rock. It is crazy steep and I am determined not to stop until I reach the top of this bumpy, rutted sandpaper hill. Once the hard rock is crested and in the shade of a spectacular butte, we stop to guzzle water. It is hot, the trail is demanding, and the ride has been steep. But that’s nothing as we have to go back down. They two boys are off and now they are having screaming fun. I follow with my arms and shoulders bumping crazy on the mountain bikes as the slick rock acts like unforgiving corduroy. The second child comes screaming by, “Isn’t this fun, mom?” And, it is.  I love it. The last of the trail is on 4x4 soft sand and we push and ride the bikes through the deep, soft, red, grains. Our shoes are filled with sand. We finish in 1 hour and 8 minutes.
Resting high on the sandstone, slick rock mesa
Again, I drop the bike and retrace our ride on a quick 25-minute run. This is resistance training in sand and elevation. I arrive back red as the sand. We eat lunch and I am ready for home but, no, the oldest has other plans. This same gravel road leads up to Bartlett wash and the biggest playground of slick rock in the area. He convinces his dad. We drive there and he takes off with the 9 year old. The rest of us wander to the foot of these gigantic, sculpted sandstone mountains. I bring the bike. I cannot not do it. I haul it up the first cliff. I climb sideways and push up the bike along the angled edges. They have waited for me. We ride for an hour on top of the world. The oldest jumps up, over, down and around these edges of mounded, layered red sandstone. We follow behind always seeking safer, easier routes. I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it. 

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